Sunday, September 21, 2008

Lanie is ONE!

Okay, I know I have been the world's worst blogger this year. I can't believe we started this blog a year ago, nor that I haven't posted ANYTHING since January. I apologize to those who have come back to find nothing new over the last nine months. I could have had another baby in that time and no one would know it! (Don't worry, I haven't.) I did actually try to post a few times, but my computer would not cooperate, so I gave up. Then I just let busy-ness keep me from coming back.

Well our sweet Lanie is one now. We had a fun birthday party with family, including my wonderful grandparents, my mom and step-dad, my sister-in-law and her precious kids, Darrell's parents, and our good friend Bryan. Lanie loved her cupcakes! Here are some pictures of the fun, and also of the last few months of Kilcup history.

Myck and his 91 year old Great Grandma Ann. Doesn't she look great??

Great Grandpa Pete joining Bob, Ruth, Darrell and girls

Fun bike ride!

Intrigued, but not sure about the candle

First taste!

You boys just stay away from my cupcake!

I think I like it!

Yup, I do!

Oooh! Chocolate too!

Mmm! Why didn't you give me this one first Mom??

Aaaaaack!! Get this stuff off of me!!!!!

Pretty new outfit from Grandpa Fox and Grandma Susan

This is what Darrell has been doing this week--bringing home this big boy! Grant called him in and Darrell took him down. Way to go guys!!! Awesome!!

Here are the guys with faithful friend Jeff Cox. Thanks Jeff for helping Darrell haul and clean up this beast. He couldn't have done it without you!!

The Olympics inspired some equestrian action in our house. :)

Elli, proud of her newly organized closet (and slightly mismatched outfit.)

Happy Lanie!

Lanie? Nope--Cari

Lanie loves books...

and Daddy tickles...

And telephones...

And peek-a-boo

And bath time!!

This is what we found on the morning Darrell and the five oldest were to leave in the van for a backpacking trip in the White Mountains. Darrell had to saw off some of the limbs before he could get the van out. Unfortunately, it didn't damage the van enough to call the insurance company. :)

Here they are in the beautiful White Mountains!

Are you old enough to remember Jiffy Pop Popcorn? I saw this and couldn't resist. While Darrell and the five oldest were backpacking, we had some fun with Jiffy Pop, the pre-historic microwave popcorn. (If your mom made you Jiffy Pop, thank her! It was a lot of work--okay compared to microwave. You have to shake the thing constantly for about 7 minutes so it won't burn while it's popping.)

Bethany's new 13 year old look--hair cut and ears pierced.

I'll take a Bucket-O-Baby

July 24, 2008 a very special day--Elli and Ben are baptized by their daddy.

What a privilege for a father, and so exciting for all of us.

They were so happy!

What a way to hike! Camping in the White Mountains...

Taylor, Lanie and Dad walking up from the stream.

Swinging in the woods is the best!

Gotta get dirty when ya camp!

Lanie disagrees.

Hudson helping Myck with dish duty.

Fishing was great! Grant caught his limit!

Ben caught a bunch too!

Grant turned 11 in June

Cari's grandparents, Carlyle and Annamarie Peterson, being welcomed to their new Sun City home by their Phoenix great grandchildren in June.

Camping at Knoll Lake for some paddle boat and canoe fun. (Lanie and Taylor)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I like the pictures of Lanie...SO CUTE!!!
And you look just like her mom! must be related or something! :D
Luv u,
<>< Bethany ><>